Plague Ship
by Andre Norton (1912 - 2005)
Perfumed Planet - 28:18
Rivals - 25:51
Contact at Last - 24:44
Gorp Hunt - 22:55
The Perilous Seas - 22:52
Duellist's Challenge - 23:32
Barring Accident - 23:35
Headaches - 23:47
Plague! - 23:04
E Stat Landing - 23:30
Desparate Measures - 23:24
Strange Behavior of a Hoobat - 23:31
Off the Map - 22:34
Special Mission - 23:27
Medic Hovan Reports - 22:51
The Battle of the Video - 21:10
In Custody - 23:03
Bargain Concluded - 22:43